Episode 25: The Risks of Applying Data Science to Financial Modelling

Episode 25: The Risks of Applying Data Science to Financial Modelling

Show Notes

Pretty much everyone has a retirement plan, but those plans aren’t always robust enough to see you through to the finish line of life. And part of that is a direct consequence of incorrectly applying data science principles to financial modelling.

In this episode, Todd Tresidder joins Dr Genevieve Hayes to discuss the risks and limitations of using data science when planning for retirement.

Guest Bio

Todd Tresidder is a former hedge fund manager who “retired” at age 35 to become a financial consumer advocate and money coach. He now runs the popular retirement planning website FinancialMentor.com and is the author of a range of books on retirement planning and investments including How Much Money Do I Need to Retire? and The Leverage Equation.

Talking Points

  • What are some of the limitations of traditional financial modelling?
  • Examples of what can happen when traditional financial modelling goes very wrong.
  • How to do financial modelling the right way.
  • The Engineer’s Fallacy or why you shouldn’t apply pure data science to financial planning.
  • The implications of this for fields outside of the financial services industry.


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Value Driven Data Science
Episode 25: The Risks of Applying Data Science to Financial Modelling